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General Aviation Discussion / Re: Forum Upgrade - Update
« Last post by casper on August 12, 2023, 04:16:41 PM »
It'll be the same url. The old forum will be under /archive
General Aviation Discussion / Re: Forum Upgrade - Update
« Last post by jasT1981 on August 12, 2023, 04:12:54 PM »
No email as of yet for me.

Is the link going to stay the same or is it a new URL?
General Aviation Discussion / Forum Upgrade - Update
« Last post by casper on August 12, 2023, 04:11:36 PM »
Hi All,
I'll be upgrading the forum tomorrow morning. Hopefully you all received an email about the impending upgrade. As mentioned in the email you will have to re-register with the forum. We're basically starting afresh. I'll have all the categories created but if you were party of the 'Military Movements' group you'll have to bear with me as I re-add you to it.
This forum will be made read only and placed in a sub folder of the new forum and will always be accessible for viewing. 
Aviation News / Light aircraft makes emergency landing on A40
« Last post by Angry Turnip on August 11, 2023, 12:36:23 AM »
A light aircraft has made an emergency landing on a main commuter road in Gloucestershire after a suspected engine failure.
The aircraft is locally based G-BKIF, a Avions Fournier RF6B-100.

Light aircraft makes emergency landing on A40 near Cheltenham - BBC News
Belfast International Airport / BFS Movements 9th August 2023
« Last post by Angry Turnip on August 09, 2023, 02:28:54 PM »
Due 1926 Embraer Praetor 600 G-RNDX from Bermuda as GRNDX. Checking for triangles perhaps ?  ;)

Due 2025 outbound to Farnborough.
Modern Military Aircraft / RAF A400M Overflight
« Last post by Angry Turnip on August 08, 2023, 01:53:49 AM »
0151 RAF A400M Atlas C1 ZM408 almost skimming edge of NE Antrim at 29,000ft after a long flight from Calgary as RRR4507
General Aviation Discussion / Re: Forum Update
« Last post by Paultojo on August 06, 2023, 11:35:07 AM »
Top man Casper
General Aviation Discussion / Forum Update
« Last post by casper on August 05, 2023, 01:10:51 PM »

Hi All
just to let you know I've decided to close the forum as it stands and start afresh. I'll archive it and it will always be available but will be read-only.
I'm doing this because the software that the forum runs on has 'branched off' in a different direction and I can't update this forum to it. So as it stands the current forum software is out of date with no support, therefore no more updates. This means that it becomes a security risk (hacking etc.). And as you also know there has been some issues for a while regarding posting etc that I can't get resolved.
The new software branch will look more or less exactly as the old one but will be fully supported.
The downside is that I can't recreate all the user accounts so current members will have to re-register, and I will have to setup permissions and forum section again.
I think this a positive step for the forum going forward :)

I'm hoping to get this done next weekend, or earlier, if I can manage it.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but hopefully the disruption will be minimal.
Belfast International Airport / BFS Movements 5th August 2023
« Last post by Angry Turnip on August 05, 2023, 10:44:22 AM »
0941 FAI rent-a-jet Learjet 60 D-CITA landed at BFS from AGP as IFA1229
Newtownards / EGAD 4th August 2023
« Last post by Angry Turnip on August 04, 2023, 06:23:04 PM »
I took myself down to Newtownards EGAD today to see what was about, and was surprised to see this beastie.
I believe it arrived 1055 on Tuesday from Milan.

N83TY DASSAULT AVIATION MYSTERE-FALCON 50EX owned by TVPX AIRCRAFT SOLUTIONS INC TRUSTEE ( I`m told it belongs to Eddie Irvine, but then anything shiny and expensive spotted in North Down is attributed to him) Owners are a corporation to keep actual owners name private, so maybe there is something to it.
I wonder what the locals will think when it departs. ;)  Will they drop their bottles of Bucky ?
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