Author Topic: For Sales - Terms (Read First)  (Read 16167 times)

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Offline casper

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For Sales - Terms (Read First)
« on: October 03, 2009, 08:05:24 PM »
This forum is provided for regular and trustworthy users of to sell and swap used or second-hand aviation and photographic equipment and accessories (other items, within reason, will be allowed but at the discretion of the moderators).
Only private sellers or swappers are allowed to post tems within "For Sale/Wanted". No commercial or business interests are allowed to post items for sale within this area. Again, this will be regulated at the discretion of moderators and on an individual basis.
Private sellers may NOT knowingly sell stolen or grey imported goods via Whilst and it's owners accept no responsibility for the sale of any of these goods, suspected stolen goods will be reported to the authorities. accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for any payments of cash or exchange of goods. This is done at the users own risk and and it's owners will play no part in reimbursing users should they lose money or goods in a transaction.
In plain English, If you choose to send money or gear to another user, you're on your own. Any details transmitted are sent at the risk of each individual.
Any user accounts in violation of these rules run the risk of permenant account deletion.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 10:57:33 AM by casper »