ATR72 nose gear collapse at BHD

Started by JasonT1981, Dec 22, 2024, 16:38

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Going by photos on FB, an Aer Lingus ATR-72 had its nose gear collapse after a hard landing apx 16:10.

No passengers on board as it was a positioning flight.

Looking on FR24 the aircraft was G-CMMK using callsign EAG71P

Flights seem to be diverting to BFS.

18:14 - Closed for the rest of the day.


Posted on FB by the Airport

At around 16:00 today, Sunday 22 December, a flight operated by Emerald Airlines had an incident on landing at Belfast City Airport. This was a positioning flight with no passengers but four crew members onboard. The airport's emergency procedures were enacted. The runway is currently closed and will be for the rest of the day. Passengers are asked to contact their airline.


Just seen a picture of the landing. Nose wheel looks like it touched down first with back end of aircraft still in the air.


Picture has been in the papers etc now so I guess its ok to post. Thankfully it seems there was no major injuries with the crew. (Pic not mine, from Michael on AirsideNI)

angry turnip

Ouch, well these things happen, good that nobody was hurt.
I see the usual Moaning Minnie 's have been sounding off on the BBC NI NEWS website. ::)